If you’re like me, you probably have hopes of living life on your own terms—meaning you control your time, money and the direction your life is headed. I knew, even as a teen, I was not destined to live a “normal” life. I’ve always been passionate about learning new things and conquering life head on—which means it’s always been pretty hard for me to follow the crowd and do things the “normal” way.

As a result, my life has been quite a mix of adventure and surprise, for which I am incredibly thankful. As a result, I’ve been blessed to do things like:

  • Work remotely even when it was not common or popular
  • Be a stay-at-home mom
  • Home school my kids
  • Manage my children’s acting/entertainment careers
  • Pay off over $120K in debt
  • Invest in real estate
  • Own a short-term rental business
  • Travel tons with my children and teach them different languages
  • Give my time and money to various ministries, causes and people
  • Bounce back after a difficult divorce where I decided not to take my fair share of assets
  • Thrive & survive in the midst of challenges and difficulties

Now, I’ve started my dream of traveling the world while investing in real estate in the U.S. and abroad. I’d like to share my knowledge and what I’ve learned with people like you. Now matter where you are in life, I can help you define your goals, make realistic plans to attain them so that you can build a foundation that helps you live the life you’ve always wanted.

What I offer:

  1. Individual and group coaching
  2. Accountability calls and goal check-ins
  3. Need something specific? I can tailor sessions for goals like real estate investing, leaving your 9-5, acting & entertainment for kids, divorce recovery, big life changes, spiritual development and home schooling/home management.
  4. Email support to answer your questions


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  • You want to start and grow independent sources of income
  • You’re super motivated
  • You need some guidance to get started
  • You want to benefit from the experience of fellow entrepreneurs that made it

Then this is definitely MADE FOR YOU!

Throughout my journey, I’ve had mentors and coaches help me reach my goal. It’s something that I attribute my success to and highly recommend. If you’re ready to start making your dreams a reality, let’s start working together ASAP!

See you on the other side!

Click Here to Get Started